January 29, 2008

Coloring Book Page Swap

These are my coloring book pages for Teresa's swap. We were to create black and white pages from our artwork that the other players could use as background papers. The first one is made from a bunch of my doodles, the second from found images.

January 26, 2008

Hunting for treasures

Check out this fun salt shaker I found today! I just had to have it even if she's a bit lonely without her pepper. I really dig weird heads!

Neat hanging rack thing I picked up for $7 - it's going to look great in the kitchen.

And finally - the best find of the day! This great little chest of drawers filled with all those buttons and things for only $30. Better view of all the stuff that was inside below.

January 21, 2008

Colored Pencil Sketch

Prismacolors and Sharpie over gesso'd magazine pic on paper.

Blackbird Doodle

Prismacolor pencils, India inks, Sharpie, watercolor on gesso'd Masonite panel.

"Control Experiment Contents"

Magazine cut-up collage on paper. I love this color combo - chartreuse, pale aqua, light umber.

January 13, 2008

A Room of My Own

We finally got Todd moved out of the office and I am turning it into my very own art studio! The before pics are really great visual proof of why smoking is so nasty - the walls used to be white before Todd and I smoked in there. We've been smoke-free for about 6 years now.

No where near done yet, but I'm off to a good start!